
Here you can find all current catalogs as PDF documents. Send us a request if you would like to receive a printed version. We will send it to you by post as soon as possible.

Complete catalogs

thermo-control Körtvélyessy - Catalog for thermocouples Catalog for thermocouples 5.4 MB 2024
thermo-control Körtvélyessy - General catalog oxygen probes General catalog oxygen probes 2.7 MB 2024
thermo-control Körtvélyessy - Complete catalog of accessories Complete catalog of accessories 6.3 MB

Individual catalogs


thermo-control Körtvélyessy - Catalog for inert gas thermocouples Catalog for inert gas thermocouples 839 kB
thermo-control Körtvélyessy - Catalog for inert gas thermocouples with threads Catalog for inert gas thermocouples with threads 688 kB
thermo-control Körtvélyessy - Catalog for inert gas thermocouples with mounting tubes Catalog for inert gas thermocouples with mounting tubes 672 kB
thermo-control Körtvélyessy - Catalog for vacuum thermocouples with mounting tubes Catalog for vacuum thermocouples with mounting tubes 553 KB
thermo-control Körtvélyessy - Catalog for vacuum thermocouples with small flange Catalog for vacuum thermocouples with small flange 602 KB
thermo-control Körtvélyessy - Catalog for vacuum thermocouples with CF-flange Catalog for vacuum thermocouples with CF-flange 539 KB
thermo-control Körtvélyessy - Catalog for vacuum thermocouples with flange Catalog for vacuum thermocouples with flange 670 KB
thermo-control Körtvélyessy - Catalog for vacuum thermocouples with compression fitting Catalog for vacuum thermocouples with compression fitting 542 KB
thermo-control Körtvélyessy - Catalog for mineral insulated thermocouples Catalog for mineral insulated thermocouples 542 KB
thermo-control Körtvélyessy - About thermocouples About thermocouples 1152 kB

Oxygen probes

thermo-control Körtvélyessy - Catalog for inert gas oxygen probes Catalog for inert gas oxygen probes 571 kB 2024
thermo-control Körtvélyessy - Catalog for inert gas oxygen probes threaded fitting Catalog for inert gas oxygen probes threaded fitting 378 kB 2024
thermo-control Körtvélyessy - Catalog for inert gas oxygen probes mounting tubes Catalog for inert gas oxygen probes mounting tubes 367 kB 2024
thermo-control Körtvélyessy - Catalog for vacuum oxygen probes Catalog for vacuum oxygen probes 571 kB 2024
thermo-control Körtvélyessy - Catalog for inert gas oxygen probes Catalog for inert gas oxygen probes 571 kB 2024
thermo-control Körtvélyessy - Catalog for inert gas oxygen probes Catalog for inert gas oxygen probes 571 kB 2024
thermo-control Körtvélyessy - Oxygen Probes Accessories Oxygen Probes Accessories 1036 kB
thermo-control Körtvélyessy - Oxygen Probes Accessories Oxygen Probes Accessories 288 kB
thermo-control Körtvélyessy - Oxygen Probes Accessories Oxygen Probes Accessories 426 kB
thermo-control Körtvélyessy - About oxygen probes About oxygen probes 264 kB

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