Oxygen probe with mounting tubes for atmospheric applications

Scope of application

Measure the avaliable content of oxygen in atmospheres with inert protective gas or under air atmosphere with 30 mbar negative pressure up to briefly 2 bar overpressure.


The specification is structured as follows:
9 - 01 XX TT - LLLL PPP A


9 - 01 01 01 - 0700 SR27

Inert gas oxygen probe with Ø27 x 150 mm holding tube, type S thermocouple and 700 mm nominal length

Other typical variants

9-010101-0600SR22, 9-010101-0700SR22,9-010101-0700SR27, 9-010101-0800SR229-010101-0800SR27

Notice for the nominal length

As standard, oxygen probes can only be manufactured up to a nominal length of 1000 mm due to manufacturing reasons.


thermo-control Körtvélyessy - General catalog oxygen probes General catalog oxygen probes 2.7 MB 2024
thermo-control Körtvélyessy - Catalog for inert gas oxygen probes Catalog for inert gas oxygen probes 571 kB 2024
thermo-control Körtvélyessy - Catalog for inert gas oxygen probes mounting tubes Catalog for inert gas oxygen probes mounting tubes 367 kB 2024
thermo-control Körtvélyessy - About oxygen probes About oxygen probes 264 kB

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