
AuditorView is a graphical interface to our QM system, which provides anonymized evaluations. This gives auditors and customers an overview of our quality performance in real time.

With personal access you will receive an overview of these areas:

  • Extensive QM tools, such as complete process landscape, action plan, delivery reliability, QM events and more
  • QM plans such as company goals, qualifications and calibrations
  • All QM reports such as management evaluation, report and supplier evaluations
  • Overview of environmental management in preparation for certification according to ISO 14001
  • Extensive documentation of the processes including process diagram, turtle, stakeholders and linked QM events


As a business partner and independent auditor, you can obtain your personal access to AuditorView. This can be activated within a short period of time.

For external auditors

We ask that you request access through your customer. You will be registered as an internal employee of the company until the audit.

Audit context

If access is set up in the context of an audit, it will remain valid for 30 days after the audit has been completed. Exceptions are measures that require fulfillment at a later date. However, access can be extended by arrangement.

To do this, send us an email with your customer number, names of the people involved and, if applicable, the time of the audit to or use the contact form at the bottom of the page.

Request access

You are welcome to request access to AuditorView. Please fill out the form below. For easy assignment, please tell us your company or the company and the contact on whose behalf you need access.